Hammerhead Productions was founded in 1995 by Dan Chuba, Jamie Dixon, Thad Beier and Rebecca Marie. The company has a small permanent staff and an ever increasing pool of highly acomplished freelance artists.
DAN CHUBA - Dan is Vice President and Execcutive Producer of Hammerhead. He wrote the draft of Supernova that was originally purchased by MGM/UA, and was one of the producers on that film. Before starting Hammerhead in 1995, he worked as Executive Producer at Pacific Data Images and as an effects producer at Apogee.
REBECCA MARIE - Rebecca is a Visual Effects Supervisor, Art Director, and has supervised for various films including Baz Luhrmann's Romeo+Juliet. Her background is a mixture of visual art and computer programming, and she holds a bachelor of fine arts degree with a major in painting. She previously worked at Digital Productions, Metrolight, and Pacific Data Images.
REBECCA MARIE - Rebecca is a Visual Effects Supervisor, Art Director, and has supervised for various films including Baz Luhrmann's Romeo+Juliet. Her background is a mixture of visual art and computer programming, and she holds a bachelor of fine arts degree with a major in painting. She previously worked at Digital Productions, Metrolight, and Pacific Data Images.
Permanent Staff
Michelle Eisenreich - Producer
Justin Jones - Compositing Supervisor
Fatama Mojaddidy - Systems Administration
REBECCA MARIE - Rebecca is a Visual Effects Supervisor, Art Director, and has supervised for various films including Baz Luhrmann's Romeo+Juliet. Her background is a mixture of visual art and computer programming, and she holds a bachelor of fine arts degree with a major in painting. She previously worked at Digital Productions, Metrolight, and Pacific Data Images.
REBECCA MARIE - Rebecca is a Visual Effects Supervisor, Art Director, and has supervised for various films including Baz Luhrmann's Romeo+Juliet. Her background is a mixture of visual art and computer programming, and she holds a bachelor of fine arts degree with a major in painting. She previously worked at Digital Productions, Metrolight, and Pacific Data Images.
Past & Present Freelance Staff

Lynn Gephart

James Hegedus

Edie Paul

Lindsay Birmingham

Debbie Hiner

Todd Perry

Aliza Chameides

Jaimie Jota

Jason Puliti

Robert Chapin

Steve Kochak

Michael Ramirez

Andy Chen

Joshua Kolden

Dave Rand

Timothy Cunningham

Hector de la Torre

Bill Rust

Kenneth Dackermann

Dave Lingenfelser

Jennifer Scheer

Thomas Dadras

Robert Lurye

Amie Slate

Matt Davies

Brian Lutge

Wes Ford Takahashi

Steve Demers

Richard Matsushita

Andy Tamandl

Sean Dever

Mamie McCall

Marcus Trahan

Brady Doyle

Michael Meckler

Linda Tremblay

Curtis Edwards

Barb Meier

Scilla Valsangiacomo

Eric Enderton

Joel Merritt

Alex Vegh

Kyle Entsminger

Michael Meyers

Cathy Wagner

Tom Esmeralda

Daniel Miller

Larry Weiss

Brian Gardner

Aung Min

Brian Wolf

Jack Geist

Paolo Moscatelli

Jason Yanofsky

Gilbert Gonzales

Mary Nelson

Peipei Yuan

Roger Huynh

George Oliver

Scott Killburn

Dark Hoffman

Carrie Owens

Constance Bracewell

Kelly Rae Green

Les Hunter

Shira Mandel

Jon Doyle

Manny Wong

Chris Blazik

Derick Dressel

Mike Jackson

John Weckworth

Rob Cribbett

Sarah Vinson

Leo Juarez

Rob Blue

Isaac Lipstadt

Carol Ashley

Dan Mellitz

Les Hunter

Bruce Buckley

Dan Smiczek

Soyoun Lee

Leigh Rens

Judith Bell

Mike Gajga

Candida Nunez

Ben Dishart

Bill Konersman

Karl Rogovin

Alex Sokoloff

Tommy Tran

Didier Levy

Paul Hopkins

Angella Szynkowski

Jack Mullins

Francis Camacho

Eugene Paluso

Katia Levy

Michael Miller

Ken Ajzmundt

Brandon Gonzales

Caitlin Content

Ned Wilson

Allison Troxell

Carlos Arguello

Ethan Ayer

Sameer Shah

Erin Kanoa

Greg Oehler

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